Electrical-Discharge Machining (EDM)
We employ three (3) different methods of EDM, depending on our customer’s need.
RAM is the most conventional method, generally used for simultaneously drilling hundreds of small cooling holes in multiple, flat blanks for turbine vanes. While our systems are capable of cutting hole diameters of up to 2 inches, most of our work requires hole diameters of less than 0.015 inch.
CNC Wire-cut EDM, which is one of the most versatile methods for cutting complex profiles in multiple axis.
Fast Hole EDM, which employs the use of robotics to rapidly drill small holes (.098” max.) in a single piece.
RAM Maximum Hole Diameter: 2”
Fast Hole Maximum Hole Diameter: .098”
Maximum Material Size Up to 10” x 20” x 3” material blank
Electro-Chemical Grinding (ECG)
Danville Metal applies the ECG process to a variety of thinner materials in order to accurately produce close tolerances. ECG produces results far beyond those of conventional grinding methods. And because it is a “cool” process, ECG can be used to grind any electrically conductive material without incurring damage from heat. In addition, this process can grind alloy steel parts with clean edges, thereby reducing, minimizing, or even eliminating the cost of subsequent deburring.